Friday the 13th

OH SNAP! LOOK OUT! THERE'S JASON!!JK.Today was Day 9 of 12, well, 14, I guess. It was fairly uneventful. I managed to get a tiny bit of writing done on this short story I'm working on. Short stories are a whole other ball game for me, but hopefully it'll turn out... coherent?Today was better in regard to cravings and getting up to exercise. So, I guess I just gotta roll with the punches as they come, right? Went grocery shopping with my mom after work and it was an interesting experience. Kudos to us for having tons of produce in our cart. One thing we did splurge on were those cake in a mug things. It's just confetti cake, and it's about as many calories as I would have for a snack, maybe. Not going crazy here, but a girl's gotta have her cake and eat it too... on occasion.You know what else is great and refreshing for the soul? Getting your hair did. My hair used to be about chin length, maybe a little long, because I have these crazy curls, right? For the past year or so, I've been trying to grow my hair long. And OMG, it's long!

Left is 2016 (I think), and right is 2018, today. Cray! I've never had my hair this length before, and I'm loving it!There was no wordage on my Camp NaNo project. However, my awesome Now Novel mentor is reading the first chapter of one of my other works, and I'm excited to get feedback from her!Anyway, I'm off to watch some more How to Get Away With Murder.Ciao, friends!