Pack Your Bags!
GASP!TWO UPDATES FROM ME IN LESS THAN A WEEK?HOLY COW!I felt as though I would make a quick blog post to share some news! But first...Check out breakfast for dinner over here!Bacon (and yes, it's regular bacon, whoops), scrambled eggs, fruit salad, and the Cinna-Yums from one of Joy Bauer's cookbooks. DELISH. Also, A LOT. Could probably do with about half of everything, but that is a lesson learned for next time.Monday marks the halfway point for the Dietbet. I WANT TO DO IT! I WANT THAT MONEY!!Also, tomorrow, I am attending an educational technology conference. I'm super excited! There are door prizes, grand prizes, and the coolest of all... FOOD TRUCKS. I won't go crazy with the food trucks, but I may just have a teeny-tiny breakfast to make up for it...Tomorrow is my first Sisters in Crime meeting! I am excited to attend after having just joined the national organization a few days ago. Can't wait to be a part of a chapter. There is supposed to be a retired police officer there to tell us about crime scenes. Woot!This morning, I had a hit of inspiration for a short story. It's actually romance, and it is set in the same universe as the novel I am currently drafting. I'm excited about the story, and hopefully I can get it written up before I lose the drive!Okay, now... on to the news I mentioned at the beginning of this post...Drum roll, please...*drum roll sounds*Today, I booked plane tickets to visit my cousin who is earning her Master's degree at a university in Germany.GERMANY. FOR SPRING BREAK!It'll be a whirlwind of a trip, but I am excited to go. Not only that, but I will have a nice little stopover in DUBLIN.YES, DUBLIN.I DID THIS ON PURPOSE TO GO TO A PLACE I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF GOING!Of course, less than 24 hours isn't enough to experience Ireland...Ah well, that means I'll just have to go back!I'm going to be absolutely whooped by the end of this trip, but you know... life's too short. I can catch up on sleep over the summer! Just in time for the Romance Writers of America conference which I will be attending with my BFF in NYC!Kathryn and Jenn take Manhattan!Sounds like a good movie, doesn't it?Ciao, friends!