Back At It Again

Another Monday has come and gone. At my weigh-in this morning, I found that I was down 0.8 pounds.I should be excited, right? I lost, and didn't gain!I guess after the high of the first weigh-in, 0.8 pounds is kind of a disappointment. Which brings in that little voice in my head that's called Crippling Self Doubt. Maybe I should just quite while I'm behind? The food cravings were intense today because of it.But you know, I didn't give in. I kept under my calorie count for the day.Tomorrow is a new day. Another day to stick to healthy eating, and another day to get back in the saddle of exercising. I guess I'm just going to have these days. Where it feels hard, and you get discouraged because you're not seeing results. I should know by now that weight loss doesn't happen over night, no matter how much I really want it to. Patience is the key. Patience and perseverance.It's kind of amusing the things you can be patient about, and the things you can't be patient about. This is one of those things I can't be patient about. I want that LBD tomorrow.But nothing good has ever come with minimal effort and attention.So, that's just what I have to continue to tell myself in this journey. That there will be days better than other days. That I have to be patient with myself, and to not get discouraged. That I have to persevere, even on the days and weeks where it feels like I should just binge eat everything that makes me feel better.What's that old cliche? Rome wasn't built in a day.I am Rome. The Eternal City. Birthplace of a culture and a history that has endured for millennia up to this very day. I am the Republic. I am the Empire. I am Julius Caesar. I am Marcus Aurelius.I will be patient.I will persevere.I will do this.Ciao, friends!P.S. Yet again, zero writing was done. However, my mentor over at Now Novel has sent me feedback on the first chapter of a novel I am working on. She says I have TALENT, and that she is looking forward to working with me. So, I guess, can't bitch too much about today, can I?