Why Do We Even Have to Have Tuesday?

But seriously. Isn't Tuesday one of the most useless days of the week??After my shift today, I will be halfway through my 12 day work stretch! Hopefully, it'll all be downhill from here, and it'll go by quickly. Lemme tell you, I am tired.So, I have bursitis in my right shoulder, and it has mostly improved under a regimen of Aleve. However, it is not 100%. Today, the PA suggested physical therapy. I've never done physical therapy personally, but I used to volunteer in a clinic. I hope it'll help! Certain exercises are just this side of twinging my shoulder. So, let's get up to 100% here!I submitted my contract for my first ever big girl job! I am excited to be entering my first year of teaching. August 15th is my report date, and it can't come fast enough, let me say. Of course, in September I'm going to be wishing that it hadn't come at all.Still no more progress on Camp NaNoWriMo as I am writing this blog post. I am hoping that once I am finished with this, I can go accomplish something there. I have had first contact with my Now Novel mentor, and I am excited to be working with her! I hope she will give me some good feedback!Honestly, that is about all that I have for today. I blame Tuesday.Ciao, friends!