Good Grief...
This getting in shape thing is... well... for the birds, haha.But no, seriously, I'm okay, I haven't given up. Today was my first trial in getting up earlier to exercise before work. It was tough, especially after the teacher nightmare I had last night. It was startling, but that's okay. It's just a dream for a reason, right?Day 2 of 12 of work!Breakfast: Basically the same as yesterday. I had another one of my delicious baked egg cups with a piece of Dave's Killer Bread smeared with peanut butter and topped with banana.Lunch: This image pretty much sums it up.A meal prepped meal! What a concept! I just reached right into the refrigerator, put it in my lunchbox along with some other snacks, and voila! AMAZING. TRULY.Dinner: I actually used the plate method that my nutritionist has told me about. Half of my plate was a mixture of summer squash, green pepper, and mushrooms all sautéed with garlic, olive oil, and a few spices. One quarter of my plate was baked chicken, and the other quarter was a red potato!Snacks: I didn't eat my usual apple for an afternoon snack today, but I will most definitely eat it tomorrow. For my mid-morning snack, I ate a container of vanilla Greek yogurt!Don't even get me started on Camp NaNo today. I'm 2,000 words behind. I wrote ZILCH today. I was hoping to enter a short story into a competition by Monday, but... the short story isn't even written. I suppose I still have time, it IS a short story, but it doesn't help that I've never written one before.Ciao!